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Andrea Morales: Roll Down Like Water

Memphis Brooks Museum of Art 1934 Poplar Ave, Memphis, United States

Roll Down Like Water features sixty-five photographs spanning a decade of work by the Memphis-based, Peruvian-American photographer Andrea Morales. These images reflect the collective change of Memphis and the surrounding…

How We Got That Story


Join Nashville Public Radio for a webinar that will dive into reporting on Nashville’s growing Kurdish community. International correspondent Rose Gilbert will join online live from Erbil, the Kurdish capital of Iraq, to…

Gallery Talk with Elle Perry

Memphis Brooks Museum of Art 1934 Poplar Ave, Memphis, United States

Join the museum for a gallery talk about Andrea Morales' exhibition with Memphian Elle Perry. Born and raised in Memphis, Elle Perry has covered arts and culture (and related subjects)…

TN Folklife Institute

The Tennessee Arts Commission Folklife Program, in partnership with Humanities Tennessee, presents the Tennessee Folklife Institute, an immersive training workshop designed to encourage and increase the documentation, preservation, and presentation of our…

Bernard School Rosenwald History Exhibit

Magness Public Library 118 W. Main St, McMinnville, United States

Join hosts of the Black History Museum at the library to see the TN State Museum traveling exhibition "Building a Bright Future: Black Communities & Rosenwald Schools in Tennessee," (Jan…


Teaching the Memphis 13: Virtual Workshop

Elementary school educators are invited to a series of three virtual professional development workshops organized by the Memphis 13 Foundation. The focus explores the experiences of children in the desegregation…


Teaching the Memphis 13: Virtual Workshop

Elementary school educators are invited to a series of three virtual professional development workshops organized by the Memphis 13 Foundation. The focus explores the experiences of children in the desegregation…

Chipping Away: the Life & Legacy of Sculptor William Edmondson

Edgehill United Methodist Church 1502 Edgehill Ave, Nashville, United States

Join Edgehilles  neighbors for a special viewing of the documentary Chipping Away: The Life & Legacy of Sculptor William Edmondson followed by a panel discussion of the film with filmmaker Mark…


Teaching the Memphis 13: Virtual Workshop

Elementary school educators are invited to a series of three virtual professional development workshops organized by the Memphis 13 Foundation. The focus explores the experiences of children in the desegregation…


Teaching the Memphis 13: Virtual Workshop

Elementary school educators are invited to a series of three virtual professional development workshops organized by the Memphis 13 Foundation. The focus explores the experiences of children in the desegregation…